viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014

Visit Madrid

Madrid is the capital of Spain, is considered one of the cities more fashionable. Its Wide Range of Leisure and Culture Make of this town a must see destination.

Madrid is hectic and Relaxed, It's Nice place on vibrant on air People of All kinds, and the city center can be explored pastel one.

From Puerta del Sol and Gran Via to Plaza of Spain, Malasaña, Chueca and the home of Real Madrid, you'll discover a vibrant and lively city. The Attitude of the People's Place - A Taste for the social life, go outside and enjoy the most cheerful and Every Time in No Work is What Makes Madrid A DIFFERENT European city.

Madrid is the largest city and the Capital of Directors Spain and is the center for International Business. Yes, Madrid impresses travelers interested in art and architecture, but Also-and perhaps even more, about Looking For Those of Time great haste UN sin. Madrid has much to offer outside the walls of the Prado Museum.

Ya sea lover UN Museums and art, do you like go shopping, want ProBar Enjoy delicious tapas and nightlife, a short stay in Madrid will leave you impressed.

Cultural Activities.
Madrid Flower Some boast of Cultural Activities, stories and Cultural Centers, Galleries, Theatres, Cinemas, Concert Halls, flamenco venues, festivals, museums.
YOU presentamosalgunos Museums.
Museum   del Prado                                                                

Most Visited Places.


Casa de Correos, Puerta del Sol, MadridHuge Place a crowded Anytime, we will give a warm welcome, IS in the Puerta del Sol, BY Dominated the old Post Office building, housing the famous POR watch 12 Dream Beats With The Spanish eat 12 grapes para Jahr EVERY Shoot , Como dice Tradition.
Km.  0 en la Puerta del Sol, Madrid
Right in Front of FIND Plate That marks kilometer zero of the Highways of the country, and although the REALLY Geographic in the Cerro de los Angeles center, No Doubt can not be left to take A photo on officially considered the center of Spain. 
Also, Statues SEVERAL hay worth ConSiderar it. The director of the symbol of Madrid, is The Bear and the Tree, but will be able to see the equestrian statue Also Carlos III, Aiming At In His honor, as it was considered the "best mayor of Madrid" , Never Busy But this charge, or Mariblanca, a copy of the source of venus in This Place, before the square of Transformation in the nineteenth century. The original statue can be seen in the beautiful Casa de la Villa (old town hall of Madrid).


Vida nocturna en la Plaza Mayor, Madrid
A few steps from Puerta del Sol, Plaza Mayor is That a Weigh of the three fires suffered along istoria do, I still enduring from the days when he was NOT the medieval village, and does use As A Market AS the bullring or the Case of the Acts and Public executions carried out itself, compared with construction drapers if the penalty was the club, Facing the beautiful facade of the Casa de la Panaderia, if was hanging and before the Butcher House if the gun was used ax one. 

Walk this lot is fascinating place full of history, seeing the Statue of Felipe III, and Cutlery For The Arch Restaurant Where the oldest item in the World according to the Guinness Book of World Record, FOUNDED in 1725.

3.  Palacio Real

Jardines de Sabatini, Madrid, España
The Royal Palace of Madrid finished construction in 1755, on the site I Self ancient fortress, residence of the kings of Castile, BY Destroyed fire, and that in turn was built on a fortification of the ninth century Muslim kingdom. 
Inside the SE can see the Throne Room, where the frescoes of Its vaults, LAREAL Armory scam fingernail Most Important Gender Collections do, and relaxing gardens of the palace, how the Campo del Moro or the Sabatini Gardens. Si Have Bad Luck Be The First Wednesday of EVERY MONTH, You Can Also see the Changing of the Guard has a Lunch 12:00 h.


Catedral de la Almudena, Madrid
It is certainly not the most beautiful cathedral in Spain, but definitely worth a visit, no portion ONLY the wonderful set's set up the Royal Palace, POR-do but brilliant neoclassical and neo-Romanesque crypt interesting interior compared With you can yOU see traces of the Arab wall. 
Already ALSO, ITS Construction Over 50 years, forma parte of the Recent History of All the locals, and has inspired para SAID sayings my grandmother never end That, as "it takes more than the Works Almudena. "
Near Alli, Famous Across the Viaduct Segovia, yes FIND Basilica San Francisco El Grande, A Huge dome and paintings by renowned painters and Beautiful Goya and Zurbaran.

Pinacoteca Más Importante de España
The Museo del Prado is one of the world's most important collections of paintings Maintenance, and ranks eleventh among the most visited museums. According scam Antonio Saura, "the museum's Not The Greatest, But The Most INTENSE" and That is because among other reasons, the lack of space opted to expose solo The best tables, so the account itself Museum Works teachers More square meter lot. Beside IS oxygenated Botanical Gardens. 
Contemporary Art lovers will enjoy a lot in the Reina Sofia Museum, Air A Wide Collection of paintings by Picasso, Miro and Dali. The Museo Thyssen Tiene ALSO A splendid collection of works of all schools, among which the largest sample of Flamenco Art Directors exists in Spain.


Neptuno, Lugar de celebración del Atlético de Madrid
If we continue to walk along the Paseo del Prado, FIND mythical sources Neoclásicos That celebrate their most important victories Soccer teams in the city. 
First is the Fountain of Neptune, the Roman god of the sea, the beautiful Church of San Jerónimo el Real line and Rare SURROUNDED two hotels, the Ritz and the Palace, which is VERY CLOSE to Members of Congress. 
La Cibeles, Lugar de celebración del Real MadridThe second is the Fuente de Cibeles, Goddess of Fertility In a chariot drawn lions portion of the City of Madrid, located in the beautiful building of the Palace communications.


Antigua puerta de Acceso A Madrid
Monumento a Alfonso XIII, Madrid
Behind the door, found one of the lungs of Madrid, Parque del Retiro, which ensure a pleasant carried on quiet walk, Near Crystal Palace, we were amazed air One of the few statues in The World of the Fallen Angel, the Some see interesting exhibition in the House of heifers or UN Enjoy boat in front of the Monument to Alfonso XII, Right for You, muchas personas trend toward Sunday afternoon. 
By you coming south door leads to the Atocha station, the largest railway complex and busy Directors Directors of Country.
.8.  Templo de Debod
General impressive on Spain Square, the Temple of Debod is a former Egyptian Temple, which gave this country to Spain in gratitude for the help given to Save the Temples of Abu Simbel disappearing as the construction of the Aswan Dam. 
From there, if you get a beautiful view, and steps YOU Able to use sera para Reach the cable car home.

Noche en el Templo del Antiguo Egipto, Madrid


Estadio del Real Madrid, España
Starting from the Plaza de Colón, I recommend a walk UN along the Paseo de la Castellana, Que WHILE looking over the roofs and domes That will surprise a sober buildings Nuevos Ministerios, para Reaching stadium. 
The Bernabéu is one of the most visited places in the city, due to the football club Real Madrid, is internationally known, What portion used para Many characters do museum and won the team portion cups.


On Sunday Morning the streets of the historic center of Madrid, Tirso de Molina aEmbajadores, yes it the Market UN Street fun, Rastro, ALSO FIND MANY Objects para buy, ProBar Can UNO the Typical Dishes of Madrid, snails. 
Tanners Bank in MadridMadrid is a tremendously City Hospital, which will con un Torno large walk in Gran Via or delve into alternative Lavapies, Chueca and Malasaña.
Ribera de Curtidores en Madrid

Tradición y Moderndad: 
This Is A Great Moment in the History of Madrid Visit para. In Madrid Folklore coexist as the Fiestas de San Isidro, Verbena de La Paloma and El Rastro, Scam More Modern and cosmopolitan, how Gay Pride Festival Holidays Chueca, Malasaña local alternative and multicultural Lavapies Madrid Showing Hugging with Excitement Modernity. The city is constantly under construction, rehabilitation MANY Beautiful Historic Buildings, downtown streets are becoming pedestrian and hay More People on bicycle. Definitely a place ideal para central Madrid is Living and Living in Madrid Madrid.
Taditional food
Ración de  callos a la madrileña
The Typical Dishes of Madrid son Outcome of gastronomy in the city do Creation and History combine the approach itself, wit and customs of the inhabitants of the Spanish capital.

Madrid stew is the most traditional dishes of Madrid. Coinci That is no stew contains meat, chickpeas, vegetables and meats. It comes in three rollovers or Plates: The First roll is a soup, El Segundo Contains Legumes and vegetables, FINALLY SERVED los Sausages And Meats. Cooked popular excellence serving platter, serving usually on the menu in restaurants Commons Madrid - VERY Fixed Dishes - Tuesdays.

Entresijos  Hechos Recién.
Another Typical City Plato son of corns, calluses assortment consumed throughout Spain. They are Made with beef or lamb, which tomatoes and onions seasoned scam The laurel ANADE, yes Unite THESE Ingredients lot chorizo, ham and sausages. Like Scam Other classic dishes of the cuisine of Madrid, baby corns Outcome Of Influence OTHER PARTS OF THE COUNTRY: his Introduction Immigrant Asturian That probably came to the city during the nineteenth century due.

The garlic soup, La Tercera parte of Typical Dishes of Madrid, they consume during the winter portion from Madrid always, para Combat The Cold. Your prescription WAS EVEN WITH put in verse and music. It is the air made ​​of slices of bread, the chopped garlic, egg and paprika.

Estafa Bandeja  cocido madrileño  (Dos De Los  Tres vuelcos ),
 el pecado plato emblemático de la cocina madrileña.
Usual Madrid Tapas , Small Lots consume Consistent Between the hours of meals , has generated a series of trays that are in all contradictory. Called tapas dishes thereof , son Now An instance of a fundamental part of the cuisine of the city itself serve on the bar Bars Taverns And , at almost any time . Fast food, Preferred son Locals For some tortilla chips , Snack Y. egg fried calamari .

Also is the traditional golden Madrid without dish cooked in the oven and what's typical for the Christmas Season .

The name "Madrid" , which accompanies the name MANY dishes is a good quality display materials in Bars , Taverns And this restaurants. This means Dishes are offered generally in other regions of Spain , the city approved do own nuance . And it is this, characteristic hue Doing That Typical Dishes of Madrid have UN Unique flavor , An instance of Identity Essentials of do .

Means of Transport
Madrid is probably the best connected city in Spain. YOU Can Go Any city of Spain Madrid portion. It is the starting point of ALL Spanish roads. Also is the center of the rail para go to ALL the Spanish Cities, including most of the high-speed trains (AVE, in Spanish). Moreover, Madrid scam has ONE of the largest airports in the world - Barajas - With many companies offering Flights from Madrid one hundred destinations.
T-4 del Aeropuerto de Barajas

7 comentarios:

  1. Madrid excellent for vacation.
    I think it's one of the most beautiful cities of the world by offering different places, for their cultures and cuisine.

  2. Madrid a great place to be visited by offering different places

  3. Madrid is a beautiful city to vacation there looks much modern fashion, has many beautiful places to sleep recreacer personally know this beautiful Spanish capital places.

  4. Madrid especially interesting for its museums is beautiful

  5. I said that the blog is in English, no in Spanish. OK!
